Animations and Videos

2005 I was modelling some parts of this car K1 ATTACK.

Concept VW Offroad 2001 3th term.

Concept VW Interior 2002 4th term.

Concept H3LICOPTER 2002 5th term.

Concept for Movie 2003 6th term.

Concept Electro_Motobike 2003 7th term.

Concept BMW 2004 9th term.

Concept RAPTOR 2005 10th term.

Concept Ferrari F 156 2006 12th term.

The ProSpect

Animation for SIT Technology.

I created the models in a 3D program Rhinoceros, and the animations were created in a 3D Maya program.

Holub Boogy Coorporation _ CuLo, Balky, Segra _ video production and cutting by Asot Haas.